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APBP sends free books to people imprisoned in six Appalachian states (West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, and Maryland), hosts book clubs inside prisons in our region, and is leading an effort to bring for-credit college courses into prison.



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As doctors and scientists around the world struggle to recommend treatments and preventive measures for COVID-19, they also stress the importance of social distancing and maintaining proper hygiene practices. How capable are U.S. prisons—with their often cramped spaces and scant…

盲盒式成功,未来风口在这里?_财富号_东方财富网:2021-12-2 · 信息网络传播视听节目许可证:0908328号 经营证券期货业务许可证编号:913101046312860336 违法和不良信息举报:021-34289898 举报邮箱 沪ICP证:沪B2-20210217 网站备案号:沪ICP备05006054号-11 沪公网安备 31010402021120号 版权所有:东方财富网 意见与建议:021-54509966/952500

In December 2016, I received an email from an attorney asking me if I would be interested in writing to one of his clients on death row. He said the client was working on several writing projects, mainly fantasy books,…


In many ways this [book club] and your time/effort have been an emotional and intellectual lifeline for me.


Because of your book program sending me Michie’s West Virginia Code Annotated, I was able to litigate an amended sentence order from life without parole to eligibility for parole after serving 15 years. In other words, you helped save my life. Thank you.

Mt. Olive, WV

I have passed the first book I received on to two others so far, and plan to do so until the cover falls off! (The library here can fix it up when I donate it.)

Lima, OH